Job batch callbacks

When submitting jobs, the first entity users interact with is the job batch.
By enabling job batch events, you can receive notifications when a job batch has been fully processed: Project Wide Callbacks Settings

The notification is a POST request to the specified URL. The payload of that request is formatted according to your V2 format schema.


The URL for job batch events can only be specified in the project settings. Setting it in the job submission payload is not supported.

Callback payload format

Job batch events use our new callback schema (v2), which differs from the legacy job callbacks.

  "version": "2",  
  "entityType": "batch",  
  "entityId": "af335590-4ed0-4b68-a08f-2faf5ecabea0",  
  "state": "COMPLETED",  
  "appId": "ff3174b3-b35a-464d-8329-85a81a13c21e"  

This new format is identified by the version field. Ensure that your logic explicitly handles entityType: batch to maintain compatibility with future updates.
• The appId field represents your project’s (application’s) unique ID.
• Currently, only state: COMPLETED is supported.

To retrieve all jobs associated with a specific batch (entityId), use the Get job ids of batch API.