JUMP TOFull API referenceSuper.AI API: IntroductionAuthenticationCallbacksJob callbacksJob batch callbacksImage RedactDescriptionCreate Image Redact jobspostJobsThe job objectCreate jobspostQueue jobs for processingpostRetrieve a single job objectgetRetrieve multiple job objectsgetRetrieve a job outputgetRetrieve job feedback and outputgetRetrieve all information on multiple jobspostRetrieve job historygetRetrieve historical job outputgetCancel a jobpostCancel multiple jobspostResubmit a jobpostResubmit multiple jobspostReview or edit the output of a jobpatchDelete a jobdeleteDelete multiple jobsdeleteAdd tags to jobputAdd tags to multiple jobsputDelete tags from jobdeleteDelete tags from multiple jobsdeleteJob batchesThe job batch objectRetrieve a batch objectgetRetrieve job IDs from a batchgetRetrieve information on unprocessed job batchesgetResubmit a Job BatchpostStorageThe data objectUpload datapostRetrieve datagetDelete datadeleteDownload a `data://` URLgetGround truth dataThe ground truth data objectUpload ground truth datapostConvert a job to ground truth datapostRetrieve a ground truth data pointgetRetrieve multiple ground truth data pointsgetEdit a ground truth data pointpatchDelete a ground truth data pointdeleteWorkersThe worker objectCreate a workerpostAdd a worker to a projectpostRetrieve workers from a projectgetRetrieve workers from an account or organizationgetUpdate a worker's rolepatchDelete a worker from a projectdeleteDelete a workerdeleteWorker groupsThe worker group objectCreate a worker grouppostAdd a worker group to a projectpostRetrieve worker groups from a projectgetRetrieve worker groups from an account or organizationgetUpdate a worker group's rolepatchUpdate a worker grouppatchDelete a worker group from a projectdeleteDelete a worker group from an account or organizationdeleteRetrieve a worker groupgetMeasurementsMeasurer API OverviewmetricsUpdate measurer configurationpatchGet measurer configurationgetGet measurements for the given app_idgetCreate a new operation for the measurerpostGet all operations for the measurergetDelete a specific operation for the measurerdeleteGet a specific operation for the measurergetCancel a specific operation for the measurerpatchGet measurer app metricsgetsuper.AI APIapp instancesGet application tagsgetUpdate application tagpatchDelete application tagdeleteGet application taggetCreate application tagputCreate a new apppostList all appsgetcheck if model confidence score is available for the appgetDownload job data generated by taskgetupdate Owner activity for an appputPatch an app given its identifierpatchFetch a given resourcegetClone apppostGet Job with feedback stats for app idgetFire an async task to get all datapostGet labeling jobs cost over time given an app instance id [MOCK]getGet labeling jobs metric over time given an app instance id [MOCK]getGet labeling jobs time over time given an app instance id [MOCK]getGet labeling progress stats given an app instance id [MOCK]getGet labeling time left given an app instance id [MOCK]getFetch a given resourcegetGet application plans metadatagetGet application selected plangetUpdates app super taskspatchFetch app super tasksgetGet application tasks median completiongetFetch a template given appgetapp templatesList all templates (Tags param is mock)get/v1/templates/searchget/v1/templates/tagsgetFetch a given resourcegetCreate or update a template given its full qualified nameputReturns 204 if template is availablegetFetch the requested sample app with its input datagetauthenticationLists the current customers of supergetList all apps of customergetCreate a new userpostFetch a given resourcegetUpdate a user given its identifierputList all API keysgetCreate a new API keygetDelete a API keygetGet user statusgetGet aws keysgetSet user as onboardedpostGet user statusgetbaseline dataCreate a new baseline data for a given api_idpostGet baseline data for given api_idgetCreate a baseline data from a completed jobpostPatch baseline data given an id and api_idpatchDelete baseline datadeletePatch baseline data given an idpatchDelete baseline datadeleteGet baseline data given a baseline data idgetcollaboratorInvite a collaboratorpostList collaborationsgetList collaborationsgetList roles of usergetGet invitationsgetPatch a collaboration given an idpatchDelete a collaborator given an iddeleteGet a collaboration given an idgetChecks collaborator invite user existsgetAccept invitationpostcollaborator metricsGet all collaborators satisfying the given apiId and period range [MOCK]getGet the collaborator metrics for given apiId and period range [MOCK]getdatacreate new datapostDelete a datadeleteQuery datagetcreate/upload new dataputCreate new AI task datapostGenerate a signed url for collaborator task datagetGenerate signed url for given data name and ttlgetGenerate a signed url for task datagetGenerate a signed url for task datagetjobsCancel all jobs in app given app identifier and filterspostDelete all jobs in app given app identifier and filtersdeleteCreate a new jobpostShows a list of all jobs, within app app_id [TAG ATTRIBUTE IS MOCK]getGet collaborator jobs by appgetGet jobs state count by app and filtersgetGet job ids to labelgetRemove tags from jobs by app and filtersdeleteAdd tags to jobs by app and filtersputShows a list of all jobs with one recently added feedbackmessage, within app app_idgetGet collaborator jobs by app to labelgetRelabel all jobs in app given app identifier and filterspostStart all jobs in app given app identifier and filterspostTotal job count including deleted and relabeledgetGet job batches not processedgetGet job batchgetGet job ids of batchgetFetches the feedback tags associated with the appgetUpdates the the feedback message view state of the ownerpostCreate a feedback message between owner and worker for a jobpostReads feedback messages for a jobIdgetResolve job with big payloadpostRetrieve job with big payloadgetRetrieve child job with big payload by sequenceget/v1/jobs/labeler-feedbackpostFetch a job given its identifiergetDelete a job given its identifierdeleteFetch a job given its identifiergetGet paginated list of job auditgetCancel the given job resourcepostComplete parked/pending jobpostGet current job labelersgetGet diff of job versionsgetGet paginated list of job historygetGet job history responsegetFetch the job info for a job given its identifiergetLabel collaborator jobpostRelabel the given job resourcepostGet response (output) for the given job resourceget/v1/jobs/{job_id}/reviewpatchStart the given jobposttagsDelete a tag given its identifier [MOCK]deleteFetch a tag by its id [MOCK]getUpdate a tag given its identifier [MOCK]puttasksRetrieve resolved task with big payload by job and sequenceget/v1/task-big-payload/{worker_id}/{task_id}post/v1/task-big-payload/{worker_id}/{task_id}get/v1/taskqueue/feedbackoptions/{worker_id}/{task_id}get/v1/taskqueue/filter/{worker_id}get/v1/taskqueue/history/{worker_id}get/v1/taskqueue/message/{worker_id}/training/{training_id}get/v1/taskqueue/pendingmessage/{worker_id}get/v1/taskqueue/pendingmessage/{worker_id}/training/{trainingId}get/v1/taskqueue/pendingmessage/{worker_id}/{conversation}get/v1/taskqueue/tasks/{job_id}get/v1/taskqueue/tasks/{worker_id}/{task_id}patchcollaborator tasksRetrieve resolved collaborator task with big payload by job and sequenceget/v1/collaborator-task-big-payload/{task_id}post/v1/collaborator-task-big-payload/{task_id}get/v1/collabtaskqueue/in-progress/{app_id}get/v1/collabtaskqueue/label/{app_id}get/v1/collabtaskqueue/task/{task_id}patch/v1/collabtaskqueue/task/{task_id}get/v1/collabtaskqueue/task/{task_id}/alivepostheroesGet hero informationgetAdds hero to disabled list of heroes per apppostRemoves hero from disabled list of heroes per appdeleteUpdate hero statuspostorganizationsShows a list of all organizations that the user belongs togetGet organization invitationsgetShows a list of all apps that belongs to organizationgetCreates an invitation to organizationpostAccept an invitation to organizationpostChecks organization invite user existsgetShows a list of all members that belongs to organizationgetUpdates a members that belongs to organizationpatchDeletes a members that belongs to organizationdeleteworkersGet workers of appgetGet worker for app by usernamegetUpdate worker app rolepatchAdd worker to apppostDelete worker from appdeleteCreates a workerpostShows a list of all workers that the user or org ownsgetGet worker invitationsgetDelete workerdeleteAccept worker invitationpostChecks worker invite user existsgetworker groupsGet worker groups of appgetUpdate worker group app rolepatchAdd worker group to apppostDelete worker group from appdeleteCreates a worker grouppostShows a list of all worker groups that the user or org ownsgetUpdates a worker grouppatchDelete worker groupdeleteGet worker groupgetoperationsShows a list of all operations, within app app_idgetArchive operation within app app_id by operation iddeleteGet operation within app app_id by operation idgetGenerates download jobs url by app id and operation idpostRetry failed operation by app id and operation idposttask-infoGet task worker distribution by appgetTrigger task download operation by app id and filterspostGet tasks of jobgetGet single task of jobgetReview task of jobpatchtask-operationsShows a list of all task operations, within app app_idgetGet task operation by app app_id by operation idgetGenerates download jobs url by app id and operation idposttask templatesFetch a given resourcegetCreate or update a template given its full qualified nameputintegrations/v1/integrations/apps/{app_id}/data/uploadedpost/v1/integrations/apps/{app_id}/submit-jobpostschemaGenerate Schemapostinbox/v1/inbox/verify/{app_id}post/v1/inbox/verify/{app_id}get/v1/inbox/{app_id}delete/v1/inbox/{app_id}post/v1/inbox/{app_id}getfield_datasetsCreate a field dataset given its application UUID and field IDpostFetch a field dataset by its application UUID and field IDgetAppend to a field dataset given its application UUID and field IDputDownload a field dataset as CSVgetFetch all field datasets by application UUIDgetupdate field datasets by application UUID and field idpostPowered by Label collaborator jobpost https://api.prod-eu.super.ai/v1/jobs/{job_id}/label