The worker object

When you create a worker, super.AI creates a worker object that contains information on the worker, including a unique ID.

Worker object attributes

idintegerA unique worker ID. Use this when adding a worker to a project, updating their role, or deleting a worker via API.
statusstringCurrent status of the worker. Either INVITED, ACTIVE, or INACTIVE.
typestringThe type of worker. Either USER, CROWD, BOT, or AI.
invitedISO 8601 dateUTC timestamp for when the worker was invited
acceptedISO 8601 dateUTC timestamp for when the worker accepted the invite
createdISO 8601 dateUTC timestamp for when the worker was created
userIdintegerThe worker's super.AI user ID.
userEmailstringThe email address the user used to sign up for super.AI.
userUsernamestringThe user's automatically assigned username.