Editing Large Tables
Learn about features designed to make editing large tables simpler and faster.
The table editing feature is designed to enable users to edit large tables with ease. It provides various functionalities to enhance the viewing and editing experience. This documentation outlines the scope and functionality of the feature.
Table editing includes the following functionalities:
- Expanding the view across the entire screen (horizontally or vertically)
- Freezing the table header
- Clicking in a cell in the table in the document highlights the corresponding cell in the table edit view and vice versa.
Extending Table to Full Width/Height
Expand View
The expand view functionality allows users to expand the table view to occupy the entire width and/or height of the screen. This provides a larger workspace to work with tables.
- Expand and Collapse Buttons: Users can use the expand and collapse buttons to toggle the expanded view on and off.
- Switch (horizontal / vertical): Users can choose between expanding the view horizontally or vertically based on their preference.
Freezing the Header
- Headers are automatically frozen when the table exceeds the viewable area; allowing the user to navigate the through the table while staying oriented.
Cell Linking
Linking cells enhances the interaction between the table in the document and the table edit view.
Clicking a Cell in the Document: When you click on a cell in the table within the document, the corresponding cell in the table edit view is highlighted, enabling easy identification.
Clicking a Cell in the Table Edit View: When a user clicks on a cell in the table edit view, the corresponding cell in the table within the document is highlighted, allowing for seamless navigation.
Updated almost 2 years ago