Review States

Super.AI uses distinct review states designed to give you a clearer understanding of your data's correctness.

The review states outlined below provide visibility into the correctness of a job, allowing you to identify areas that need attention or further action quickly.

  1. Needs Review - dictated by the Review Settings
  • At least 1 validation rule failed
  • At least 1 field or table is below a dedicated confidence threshold
  • At least 1 required field is blank
  • A job contains at least 1 specific tags
  • "Random review setting" enabled

  1. Complete/Post-processed (Not Confirmed)
  • A job is marked as not reviewed when the user does not enter the review screen and clicks ‘Confirm’.

  1. Reviewed
  • A user entered the review screen and clicked "Confirm", but not all fields and table(s) are marked as correct and no field is marked as incorrect.

  1. Correct (job state Reviewed, job-level correctness true)
  • All fields and table(s) are marked as correct. This leads to the data point being marked as Correct if all the fields are correct

  1. Incorrect (job state Reviewed, job-level correctness false)
  • At least one field is marked as incorrect