Zapier - Slack notifications

This guide will help you integrate the super.AI platform with Zapier to receive Slack notifications when a super.AI job is completed. We'll use a webhook POST event to facilitate the integration.

Integrating super.AI with Zapier for Slack Notifications


  • A super.AI account with API access.
  • A Slack account with appropriate channel permissions.
  • A Zapier account.

Steps to Integrate super.AI with Zapier

Step 1: Create a New Zap in Zapier

  1. Log in to your Zapier account.
  2. Create a new Zap based on the following template: Send Slack channel messages from a webhook.
  3. Set up the trigger:
    • App Event: Webhooks by Zapier.
    • Trigger Event: Catch Hook.

Step 2: Create a Webhook URL in Zapier

  1. After selecting the Catch Hook trigger, Zapier will provide you with a unique webhook URL. This URL will be used to receive events from super.AI.
  2. Copy the webhook URL for later use.

Copy the webhook URL from Zapiers interface.

Copy the webhook URL from Zapiers interface.

Step 3: Create a Job in super.AI with a Webhook

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Run the following curl command, replacing {PROJECT_ID}, {API-KEY}, and {ZAPIER_WEBHOOK_URL} with your actual project ID, API key, and the webhook URL provided by Zapier:

    curl -X POST \
    "{PROJECT_ID}/jobs" \
    -H "API-KEY: {API-KEY}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d "{\"inputs\": [{\"documentUrl\":\"\"}], \"callbackUrl\": \"{ZAPIER_WEBHOOK_URL}\" }"
    • {PROJECT_ID}: Your super.AI project ID as shown in the browser URL.
    • {API-KEY}: Your super.AI API key.
    • {ZAPIER_WEBHOOK_URL}: The webhook URL obtained from Zapier.


Using curl to create the job is just an example and the callbackUrl can be set using any other HTTP client.

Step 4: Activate the Zap

  1. Turn on your Zap in Zapier to make it live.
  2. Make sure all the other required fields in Zapier (e.g. the Slack channel) are set up.
  3. Once the job is submitted in super.AI and the Zap is active, the message should be sent to your Slack channel upon job completion.


  • Ensure that the API key and project ID are correct and have the necessary permissions.
  • Verify the webhook URL is correctly copied and used in the curl command.
  • Check Zapier logs to ensure the webhook is receiving the events and the Zap is configured correctly to send messages to Slack.